NM2208 Creations: Assignment 5

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Assignment 5

For this assignment, we have to create an infographic on the topic of fighting climate change. I did some research on the articles regarding climate change. There are many articles involving the effects that it had on the world, the animals and our own Singapore. I decided to focus in the Singapore context.

The link to the article: http://gs2050.wikidot.com/climate-change

My infographic would not be accompanied with the article. But, I got some ideas from there.

Here’s a sketch of my infographic:

The digitalised infographic:

It shows the consequences of climate change like haze resulting from the toxic gases emitted by factories and cars, sea level rise and coastal erosion as well as the mitigation measures Singapore can take to fight climate change. For example, planting trees, taking public transport and reducing, reusing and recycling.

The principle of contrast can be seen in my infographic through the illustration of haze on one side and the blue sky on the other. The key words are also highlighted in red and green to present the contrast of the effects and the ways to fight climate change respectively.

Comments from the class: One said that the smoke from the factories does not need to be outlined, to change it to the same effect as the clouds. Another said that I should have a heading for both sides to differentiate the effects and mitigation measures that can be taken to fight climate change. However another classmate pointed out that I have already shown it through the highlighting of key words in red and green. Thus, I felt that that the red and green highlighted words are sufficient in showing the difference between both sides.

The edited version:


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