NM2208 Creations: Final Project - Casey & the Magical Candy Kingdom

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Final Project - Casey & the Magical Candy Kingdom

The final storybook:

By: Angelina, Joy, Jasmine and Jisoo (:

These few weeks, our group worked hard to finish the storybook. It was such a relief after handing up the final project. Although there was a mini crisis in the middle of the project, we manage to tide through and continue by reassigning part of the project among the rest of the group members to speed up as it was nearing the dateline. Patience and understanding is key towards working together as a group. It has helped us grow not only as a team, but also as individuals. Communication is extremely important as well. Our initial discussions were held face to face to establish a strong foundation for our project with regards to the tasks allocation etc. Subsequently, it is through emails and phone.

We did our best! Thank you group mates for putting in so much effort!!


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